EX120 Leaf Expander

Appliance Purpose / Function:
The leaf spring expander is an all metal expansion appliance typically providing sutural separation. This expander features one or two nickle titanium leaf springs which take compliance out of the hands of the patient. Activation up to 6mm at once is performed chair side. The leaf expander is available in 6mm and 9mm expansion and 450 and 900 grams of expansion force.
Appliance Components:
- Bands on the 1st permanent molars
- .040 lingual bars
- expansion screw
Suggested Materials:
- Wire: Chromium Cobalt wire Solder:
- Silver Solder (Cadmium Free)
- Laser welding (no solder)
- 6mm or 9mm of expansion
- 450 or 900 grams of expansion force
- Face mask hooks
- Habit crib
- Arch wire Tubes
- Headgear Tubes
Appliance Fabrication Standards:
- Lingual bars extend to the mesial of the cuspids unless requested otherwise
- The body of the RPE is as high in the palatal vault as possible without touching the tissue
- The RPE is aligned with the midline
- The body of the RPE should be no further distal than the middle of the first permanent molars
All information is from www.leolabusa.com