HB115 Thumb Habit Appliance

Appliance Purpose / Function:
The thumb habit appliance, is designed serve as a reminder to help end a digit habit. It presents a barrier between the digit and the palate to prevent the patient from achieving suction.. It consists of a base wire with a crib adapted close to the tissue in the rugae portion of the palate.
Appliance Components:
- Bands on the 1st permanent molars
- .040 base arch extending mesial to the middle third of the cuspids
- Habit crib is adapted close to the tissue in the rugae portion of the palate
- Wire and crib are soldered to the bands
Suggested Materials:
- Chromium Cobalt wire
- Solder: Silver Solder (Cadmium Free)
- Laser welding (no solder)
- Appliance may be made more aggressive for more persistent habits
Appliance Fabrication Standards:
- The base arch slightly off the tissue
- The base arch touches all of the posterior teeth
- The wire placed at the top 1/3 of the band and laying against the band for 4 to 5mm
- The vertical arch 1 to 2mm above the height of the cuspids
- Crib wire is adapted close to the tissue in the rugae portion of the palate
- If you have no lower arch, the base wire extend no further than the mesial 1/3 of the cuspids
- If you have a lower arch, the crib will be as far forward as possible
Appliance Notes:
If the habit persists, it may be helpful to determine whether the habit is a simple habit or a mechanism to help the child cope with stressful events happening in his or her life.
If the habit persists, it may be helpful to determine whether the habit is a simple habit or a mechanism to help the child cope with stressful events happening in his or her life.
All information is from www.leolabusa.com