SM230 Transpalatal Nance

Appliance Purpose / Function:
The Transpalalatal Nance appliance holds space due to premature loss of deciduous molars. In addition, it can maintain arch width after expansion, and provide some rotational or derotational forces to the molars
Appliance Components:
- Bands on left and right side of the arch
- .036 wire 1mm-2mm off of the palate
- .036 wire bent to the anterior part of the palate from the Transpalatal arch
- Acrylic button placed against the palate
Suggested Materials:
- Wire: Chromium Cobalt wire
- Solder: Silver Solder (Cadmium Free)
- Laser welded (removes the solder)
Appliance Fabrication Standards:
- The transpalatal wire is a uniform 1 to 1.5mm from the tissue across the palate.
- The coffin spring of the transpalatal arch is bent with the opening facing mesial unless otherwise requested.
- The nance wire is soldered on either side of the coffin spring
- The nance button is placed in intimate contact with the palate
This appliance is not to be used to hold space gained by distalizing
molars. It will imbed into the tissue as molars attempt to relapse.
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