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SM312 Band and L Appliance

SM312 Band and L Appliance

Appliance Purpose / Function:

The Band and L appliance is a unilateral space maintainer that is used to prevent the drifting of adjacent teeth in edentulous areas after extraction or exfoliation. This variation of the band and loop appliance is easily adjustable as opposed to the rigid structure of the standard band and loop.

Appliance Components:

  •  Bands on the 1st permanent molars
  • .036 wire is bent from the molar to the distal of the tooth
  • Wire is soldered to the band

Suggested Materials:

  • Wire: Chromium Cobalt wire
  • Solder: Silver Solder (Cadmium Free)

  • Laser welded (removes the solder)
  • Soldered Occlusal rest

Appliance Fabrication Standards:

  • Band on a single tooth
  • Space maintaining loop bent to opposing tooth to hold space
  • Bay be bent as a reverse appliance when the permanent tooth isn’t erupted enough for band seating
  • Single wire may be to the lingual or the buccal.
  • Wire soldered to upper third of the lingual or buccal of the band

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