Serving your Orthodontic needs since 1990.

Procedure Change: Starting June 1, 2019

In order to provide accurate and timely service, Excel Orthodontics is requiring all new patients and prescriptions to be submitted through our portal on our website as of June 1, 2019. Scans will be accepted and printed only after a prescription has been sent in...

Giving Thanks By Giving Back

FOR A SECOND YEAR, TEAM EXCEL WILL GIVE THANKS BY GIVING BACK. This Thanksgiving, to support a local food bank, we are getting our feet wet (literally) by running / walking a 5K in the annual Sherwood Give n’...

Your Great Smile Is Inside

TO OUR VALUED CUSTOMERS: Excel is happy to announce our new packaging! Your appliance will be delivered by our lab to your office in a box the patient can take home with them. Inside their box they will receive a retainer case and instructions pertaining to their...


VISIT US AT PCSO, BOOTH 316 Excel Orthodontics will be exhibiting at the PCSO Annual Session at the Monterey Convention Center in Monterey, California. Lance will be in BOOTH 316 with other laboratories who are part of the LeoLab network. He will be available anytime...